You Might Don’t Know These Facts About VPN

Virtual Private Network or commonly called VPN is a connection between one network with another network in private through the internet network. Usually, VPN uses IP Address abroad. Most people who use VPNs are intended to browse the internet without knowing their personal data and some use VPN to access blocked sites. If you also want to use a VPN, you need to find out what is the best vpn software that suits your needs.

This time we will discuss some facts about VPN that are summarized from various sources:

VPN Service Providers Save Your Data for Themselves

There are many VPN providers throughout the world. Most providers will keep a user’s log privately, without anyone knowing, except by the provider himself. However, many consider that some VPN providers like to submit user log data to government authorities, but this assumption is actually wrong. VPN providers do not submit any data to government authorities unless the provider is suspicious or the provider is forced to do it by the government.

VPN is similar to Firewall, but it cannot be tracked

A firewall (like a fire) is likened to a sifter which functions to check incoming and outgoing data packets from an internet or computer network. A firewall also has a function to protect a computer from viruses. However, a VPN is a bit different. It uses tunnel encryption to secure your information that travels between servers and can make it difficult for viruses to reach a network or computer. Firewalls protect networks by sifting, while VPNs protect networks by being untraceable.

PPTP is the Oldest VPN Protocol in the World

Gurdeep Singh-Pall, a software engineer at Microsoft, developed the PPTP (Peer-to-Peer Tunneling Protocol) in the mid-1990s and paved the way for VPN. PPTP was originally designed for dial-up and it has the lowest level of encryption. Many claim that PPTP is the fastest compared to other protocols.

Using VPN Doesn’t Fully Make You Anonymous

Although some VPN providers promise you to browse the web anonymously, the fact that the user is not completely anonymous. It’s because the provider itself can still track your real IP Address. However, you don’t need to worry, because the VPN provider has no intention of tracing your real IP Address.

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